Aneesh has started to learn cricket from his dad Anil at home when the country was in lockdown and he is not allowed to go to school or meet his friends. He soon developed interest in the sport and started to enjoy hitting the balls. When he broke one of the home decor while playing cricket he said " Mom, dad, I am so sorry, I think we need to go out and play". He was bit upset that he broke it, but was proud of him self that he is now hitting the ball hard and he is too good to play indoors. A week of practice and Aneesh has gained confidence and moved to Kookaburra wooden bat, he just loved it, the wooden bat is helping him to hit the ball even higher and with more power!!
One moring Aneesh saw Captain Tom Moore doing his 100 laps challenge and asked about it, that was when he said "Can I play cricket and raise money", we said why not and we have set for him a "10 day - 1000 hits" cricket challenge. Aneesh was very excited about it. Each day was a new learning for him. Aneesh has faced around 2000 balls each day as his strike rate was around 50%.
It was a continuous 10 day challenge, and Aneesh was bang on in reaching his daily milestones. He never gave up. Aneesh has received amazing support and encouragement from family, friends,colleagues and his school. He always had a big grin when we read the messages from the supporters and said "wooow" on knowing the amount has been raised. Some where mid way through the cricket challenge, Aneesh said "I want to challenge my friends to play cricket, so even they can raise money to help doctors", we said "that's a very good idea, will think about it".
Aneesh has always been very compassionate to others, and this cricket challenge has created a sense of social awareness in him. Very proud of you my little boy, lots of love XX