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Little pedallers - Aneesh & his friends

Updated: Sep 8, 2020

"I want to challenge my friends to play cricket, so we can raise more funds for hospitals", these beautiful words came out of little Aneeshwar's mind while he was doing his cricket challenge to raise funds for Warring and Halton hospitals NHS foundation Trust. That is how "Little pedallers - Aneesh & his friends" has evolved. It was a 30 day cycling challenge for children to raise funds for Give India - covid response.

5 of Aneeshwar's close friends have joined on Day 1. By the end of the challenge we had 57 children together cycled incredible 4658kms and raised ₹ 3,37,842 . Aneeshwar has done 130 kms on his own. The dedication from all the children was amazing, and they all loved the challenge.

Aneeshwar has been appreciated by many including the British Deputy High commissioner for AP & Telangana states - Dr Andrew Fleming, Telugu actress Poonam Kaur for taking up the challenge and inspiring 56 more children.

"I want to do tons of such challenges to help all countries" - Aneeshwar says.

Well done team "Little Pedallers"!! you are true inspiration for all of us!!

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